15 Reasons Why Highly Intelligent People Struggle With Love

Interesting Psychology
3 min readMay 25, 2019

Humans are hardwired to connect and form relationships. However, establishing and maintaining relationships is not always easy. While there are many people out there who seem to struggle with love, for the highly intelligent, it can be even more difficult.

It might be easy for them to find solutions and figure things out — but, when it comes to love, many intelligent people often fall short. To them, love can seem nonsensical or unreasonable — they have a hard time wrapping their heads around it.So, let’s find out why intelligent people often struggle with love!

Why Good People Can’t Find Good Partner

1 — Intelligent People Overthink Everything

Intelligent people tend to be detail-oriented. They often like to check out and analyze all the qualities and characteristics of someone before starting a relationship with them.

One funny thing about them is that they can play out every possible scenario in their minds — analyzing all the possible ways a relationship could go wrong. And often times, because there are many more ways for things to go wrong, they conclude that since the bad outweighs the good, there’s no point in starting the relationship at all.

2 — They Are Comfortable Being Independent

Intelligent people are generally very comfortable all by themselves. In fact, the more intelligent someone is, the more they value independence.

They are totally secure and at peace with who they are and what they have, such that they are often careful to avoid anything that could cripple their independence — even relationships. Some believe, getting into a relationship will steal away their independence, so they try to avoid it, or at least stay single for just a while longer.

But the truth is, that when you’re in a mature relationship with someone that truly loves you, they won’t try to control you or will they interfere with your independence.

3 — They Trust Their Minds More Than Their Hearts

Because of their analytical minds, smart people like to make decisions based on facts and figures. They make every decision after logically considering all the options. As a result, they often stick to whatever their brain tells them, irrespective of whatever they feel in their heart.

To a certain point, this way of thinking is beneficial, but there are times when they could be better off listening to their hearts — especially when it comes to love.

4 — Intelligent People Are More Suspicious

Being very careful about selecting partners is a wise decision, but being too careful can be a problem. Intelligent people are easily suspicious — especially when trying to choose a partner. They can think up a lot of bad things, all because they don’t want to be deceived into selecting the wrong person.

Sometimes, this might work in their favour — but, because of this, they can be alone for long periods of time.

5 — They Prioritize Their Goals in Life

You’ve probably met someone who seems to have their entire lives figured out, down to their dreams and goals — all laid out. Intelligent people tend to be like this.

They have dreams and plans that they set timelines to, and they often drop everything else to focus on them. They are so focused on achieving their goals, that they have very little time for a relationship. Even when they are in a relationship, smart people put a great deal of focus on working toward their dreams — all the while their partners complain of being ignored.

Originally published at https://interestingpsychology.com on May 25, 2019.



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